Thursday, April 6, 2017

Part 6, GO GO GO, Jaisalmer -> Juhdpur -> Udaipur

We we're ready.

Well, no we weren't, but we got to going anyways.

The countdown

Our Rig. Fancy.
We loaded in, got to reving, and immediately got stuck in a traffic jam of Rickshaws leaving the city... But as soon as we got out of town, we were all set... To get petrol.

Couple of goobs.

Gettin er' goin.

Over the shoulder.

Gas Petrol

Patiently waiting

But then we were out, racing about as quickly as we could get the 2 strokes to carry us, bobbing and weaving though trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, cars, pedestrians, goats, and the frequent cow 🐄.

Ere' we go!

On an active road



To put it shortly, our primer on how to drive on Indian roads was hectic at best, and downright LSD-in-a-house-of-horrors insane at worst.
We can read only half the signs, people honk for every reason, and we're practically maxing out our engines wherever we go.

More "roads"

At one point I reached out my hand to high five a couple kids as we rolled by at about 20mph... One of the kids put out a stick instead, which sucked.
That and the onset of Delhi-Belly that occurred that morning, which was only amplified by the easy motion of riding in the back of a rickshaw.
And it was 106°f by midday, but who's counting

Either which way, we ended up at a palace in the hills by the end of the night, just outside of Jodhpur (Thanks to some google-fu by yours truly) and we're able to relax and put in our daily offering to the Rickshaw in the sky 🍻.

Day 1



After a wonderful night's rest, we headed out for Udaipur, starting out early in a desperate attempt at beating the heat, and got rolling about 8am.

There were cows even in the parking lot of the palace.

Views on the way out.

Didn't take to many photos of Jodhpur propper, so here's this one.

After we cleared the city propper, it was my turn to take the handles. Driving mostly on the highways it was much easier than I expected. Just avoid the occasional goat and weaving though trucks.

V dangerous

The area between the two cities was a little on the blasted-earth side of terrain, but after negotiating most of the incline it was smooth sailing... Until the sun set.

Uh oh.

What's that saying? Up without a paddle?

Picture this: it's 6pm, we're driving around Udaipur to get to the side of town with the hotel, and the sun is setting. Almost scenic, right?
Well, turns out we'd picked the truck bypass road and you can't farther than a blind man with some cool sunglasses on when highbeams are pointed at you.

Don't night drive in India. We learned that lesson the hard way.
The hotel was nice tho.

Day 2, note that the distance is off.

Our Hotel.


And thus came to a close day 2. Day 3 & 4 in the next one.
Until then, cheers!


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